Group:Only alert "your" Chaffers (those you have connected with)
Individual:Send Request to one of "your" Chaffers specifically
Pickup Date
Date:Desired pickup date.
Time Available For Pickup
Time:Earliest desired pickup time.
Timeframe:Amount of time allowed for pickup after Pickup Time. Longer timeframes will result in more available Chaffers.
Packages (Qty and Type)
Select a Quantity and a Type, then click the "Add" button:This will add a Line Item to your Request, and then you will be able to set your desired Price per Item. You may add many Line Items.
Set your Price per Item in a Reasonable Manner:The more you offer, the more likely you are to find a Chaffer! You should always offer more for Heavy or Awkward items.
Small Bags:Typical (10 to 20 Gallon) kitchen-sized plastic trash bags (Recommended Rate: $.50 per)
Large Bags:Larger (30 to 50 Gallon) lawn-sized plastic trash bags (Recommended Rate: $1.50 per)
Full Box:Reasonable size box full of trash, 10 to 15 pounds in weight (Recommended Rate: $1.50 per)
Empty Boxes:Stack of collapsed (broken down) empty boxes, 10 to 15 pounds in weight (Recommended Rate: $1.50 per)
Trash Can:Typical (20 to 40 Gallon) trash bin (Recommended Rate: $2.50 per)